Sunday, March 30, 2014

LRB #7

14. a discussion of the writer’s life and its relevance to the work

In The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, there are many controversial themes that carry out to show the prevalent meaning that correlates with the life of the author himself. I believe that Hosseini's life was exactly the same as he wrote Amir's life in the book. The tragic moments that occur in Afghanistan and intersect with personal life in the novel are very detailed as if it had happened to Khaled Hosseini himself. Since he was originally from Afghanistan, and his age falls in correctly with the novel, its nonsense to think that the story was a memoir. All historical events in the novel, are true, with the Hazaras and Pashtuns, as well as the Taliban.
I believe that it all correlates with the writer's personal life, and is very relevant. The story also is broken down to where it can be related to any situation in life, such as any kind of guilt or forgiveness, as well as rape and parental figures and showing emotions. The book touches base with many life lessons, to where I believe many authors do when writing a book. The author will always write about something they have personally interacted with, so they can share it with other people. I, for one, feel that is one important reason about novels and books, to not only inform people, but to help them and share with them your personal experiences, so you can help them as well.

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