Monday, March 17, 2014

LRB #3

a statement relating the work to your experience or ideas
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
The Kite Runner is an amazing book that shows regret and many other things. As I have read along with it, I catch myself seeing similarities of situations that are in my life. My life has been a roller coaster of emotions, and as I have read, Amir's life seems to be the same. He regrets not helping Hassan, and feels guilty, as well as sleep deprived and depressed. He is also dealing with a self battle to win over Baba's undivided attention and praise. He says, "There was a monster in the lake. It had grabbed Hassan by the ankles, dragged him to the murky bottom. I was that monster." (Hosseini.chapter8.page86) He had totally convinced himself that he was absolutely horrible, which is entirely untrue.
His father does not show him enough attention, therefore messing with Amir's emotions and his whole life. My life seems similar. My mother is an absent parent from my life, and that sometimes causes me to be bitter in ways that I shouldn't, towards people who don't deserve meanness. I have chosen in the past not to help people simply because I have told myself that they deserve it. When in reality, I chose not to help them because I want them to suffer, and feel bitterness life I do, which is a horrible thing to do; but with people who are in these situations, one doesn't know that they are causing pain to others by being in pain.
Hurting people hurt people; which is so true because this book displays it perfectly. Now I am not saying this book is filled with just hurt and sorrow, but it has life lessons that teach through the text and on each page through a life story of a person who regrets things that he has done. It also teaches forgiveness for someone, and for yourself, which is a hard thing to do in life. I believe this book has showed me skillful things for many situations in life, and has touched my heart tremendously. I have enjoyed it simply because it correlates with my life so much.

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