Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Othello: Act 4

1. In Act 4 we learn the character of Desdemona. Choose two quotes that you believe best illustrate her character.

-I’d never do such a bad thing, not for the whole world!
  Desdemona is shown as a honest woman in my opinion, and she is truthful to admitting she would never be a "whore" and she believes it is a truthfully bad thing.
-That’s not what I wish. I love him even when he’s harsh and mean—Help me unpin this, would you? I love even his stubbornness, his frowns, his bad moods.
  This quote shows that she is a loyal woman to Othello, and sticking by their marriage by dealing with him when he is mean and rude sometimes.

2. How is Othello changing in Act 4? What is the effect of his public humiliation of Desdemona by slapping her?

He is becoming more bitter at heart and turning evil to get revenge on Desdemona and Cassio. He does not care about his reputation anymore because he thinks it is already ruined so why not express how he feels inside? So he acts out and feels betrayed.
3. At the end of Act 4 we get a glimpse into the private world of women. How does Shakespeare portray this world?
The women are curious, and talk about other women they think are less valuable than them, and wondering how some women could do such a thing. Shakespeare has portrayed them to be very emotional, and they want to fix everything that is going on in their life.
4. Analyze "The Willow Song". What is the literal meaning of this song? What does this song symbolize?
In the song, the woman's husband has cheated on her, and she is sad and crying; saying that she deserves this punishment. This song symbolizes the feelings that Desdemona feels inside from the situation that is going on.

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