Sunday, January 12, 2014

Othello: Act 2

1. Choose one of Iago's soliloquies (end of 2.1 or end of 2.3) and thoroughly analyze it. 
As you analyze think about the following questions:
1. What is Iago saying?
2. Figurative language?
3. How is his rhetoric? His tone?
4. What is he revealing? Revealing about himself?
Iago is discussing to himself how his plan to ruin Othello and Cassio is going to play out; also explaining another motive to keep pushing him to fulfill the evil plan he has created. One example of figurative language in Iago's soliloquy is when he states, " I love her too, not simply out of lust, but also to feed my revenge" which represents a personification because lust cannot feed his revenge. Iago's rhetoric is very persuasive as he exclaims his plan to end Othello and wrath of hate towards him. His tone is carried by bitterness and evil to succeed in his master plan, as well as revealing to the audience how truly sneaky and mischievous he is.
2. In Act II Iago launches his plan to destroy Othello. What is his motive? Jealousy? Racism? Is he opportunistic? A sociopath? All of the above? None of the above? Use TEXTUAL SUPPORT. 
Iago's motive to destroy Othello is that not only does he believe he is not worthy to be a general, but he is jealous of him as he is suspicious that Othello has slept with his wife, as well as being a little racist as he does not like that he is black. Iago is also very deranged and a sociopath. He violates the rights of others such as his wife. This behavior is often criminal. He pronounces to Desdemona that, "No, it's true, or if it’s not, I’m a villain. You wake up to have fun, and you start work when you go to bed" about his wife and all women. Iago also disgraces his own wife by saying, "You make yourselves sound like saints when you’re complaining about something, but you act like devils when someone offends you."
3. Choose another character (from film, books, etc) that reminds you of Iago. Explain

In the movie, Frozen, a prince who is 12th in line for the throne is impatient to having power, so therefore he tricks prince Anna into marrying him, pretending to be romantically in love with her, then she is near death from an accident, the prince refuses to save her, and wants her to die, so he can ultimately have the power. The prince is related to Iago because he is pretending to be loyal to her, when truly all he wants is power.

3. Create two discussion questions from Act II that you would like to discuss with the class.
-Do you believe Iago's master plan will work?
-Do you have sympathy for Iago and think what he wants to do is okay, or are you against it?

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