Thursday, January 9, 2014

No Fear Shakespeare: Act 1

1. What conflicts do you already see beginning to emerge? Choose two quotes from Act I that expose these conflicts. Explain why each quote is significant and what it reveals about the characters. 
-That’s how I always do it, getting money from fools.
He is talking about Roderigo, and how he is tricking him. This shows that Iago is very evil and mischievous. He is going to start very big conflict with the Duke, and many others if anyone finds out about his secret plan to ruin Othello.
-Keep an eye on her, Moor. She lied to me, and she may lie to you.
He is becoming a very bitter man and is not only very upset with Othello at heart, but his own daughter. Since she has lied to him about her loved one, it has caused a change of view towards his daughter. This is already causing conflict with the couple, especially his daughter.

2. Create three discussion questions of your choice based on Act I
-Do you believe Iago's secret plan will pull through and succeed?
-What is your view on Brabantio's outrage, do you believe he should be bitter with his daughter or understanding?
-Do you think that Othello will truly stop the Turks from taking over Cyprus or do you think his wife will distract him?
3. In a paragraph each, analyze the character of Othello and Iago (so far). 
-Othello is a very humble and honest man. He has worked very hard to have the job he has, especially dealing with all the accusations. He is very loyal, seemingly very brave and willing to do whatever it takes to do what is right for Cyprus. He also has a true heart of love for Desdemona, despite the forbidden love that her father disagrees upon, he truly loves her and does not want to lose her. Othello is also slightly blinded to his officer Iago who truly despises him.

-Iago is a conniving, and secretive. He is selfish and set out to only get what he wants which is to have Othello's job. He plans to turn everyone into fools so that he may get what he wants. Iago is also very tricky, faking to care about Roderigo as a friend, and as well as Othello. He plainly hates Othello and pretends to be loyal to him, when truly he could care less about him.

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