Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Overall Meaning: Perks of Being A Wallflower

What is the overall meaning of "Perks of Being a Wallflower" (the Book)?

To show the kids who are in the background, who get ignored, and that are like Charlie, to just keep going. In this book, it gives three strong examples of teens who face heart-wrenching situations that make them feel like giving up, but they keep on going.

Does the movie emphasize or change the overall meaning? How so?

I believe it emphasizes and changes the overall meaning. The movie gives the perfect example of a kid who is in pain and feels like no one is there, and emphasizes that he finds other people who share things in common with him, and he connects with them, which makes him better. But, the movie also changes the whole meaning by leaving out small details that help out the big picture. For example, in the book, Charlie's parents do not whatsoever pay him any attention, not on his first day of high school, or even his birthday which helps play out Charlie's feelings, and part of why he is the way he is. But the movie shows Charlie's mom make his favorite food on his first day, and they have him a humongous cake on his birthday in the movie which takes away from the movie which is broadcasting Charlie, and how he feels.

PART B- Choose a letter from the book. Write a letter back to Charlie 

(I chose the first letter in the book)
 Dear Charlie,
I can understand that you don't want to give out too much information, but I do want you to know that I am always here to give some advice. I am so terribly sorry about your friend Michael. It literally breaks my heart to hear about someone so young, go so quickly, and not enjoy life. I know it must be hard for you to deal with, but just know, it will get better. Also, it sounds that you have a really good bond with your older brother which is wonderful. It seems to me that he is helpful and cares about you. Your Aunt Helen sounds great as well. Is she your best friend? Because it sounds like to me, she is there for you Charlie! And also whatever has happened to your Aunt Helen,  I am also so terribly sorry. Charlie, you can always write me, anytime, because I will always be willing to help you in anyway, and give you any advice, just ask me! Talk to you soon!!

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