Monday, September 23, 2013

What exactly does it mean to be a "wallflower"? 

to know everything that goes on, keep quiet, and understand


Who is the protagonist? How would you characterize him?

Charlie; he is a curious but awkward teen who is transforming into high school, trying to make friends and feel excepted.

Which characters are round and flat? 

Charlie is round, Patrick and Sam are round, Brad is round, Charlie's brother is flat. Bob is flat, and Bill the teacher is flat.

Examine the family dynamics in "Perks". Would you classify Charlie's parents as good or bad? What textual evidence do you have to support this?

I believe they are good, but they don't make enough attention to Charlie. In the book, it constantly says how the parents are proud of the older brother, and talk about how good he is.



  • What point of view is used and what style? Why would the author chose this method? How is it effective?

Personal narrative, it is from first person; Charlie. Because it makes the reader feel how Charlie feels and thinks.

  • What conflicts exist in this novel so far?
He likes Sam and he is trying not to. His parents aren't recognizing him, and making friends.
  • What do you notice about the exposition of this story? Does it grab your attention? How?
somewhat, because you want to know how the story plays out with his new friends he has made.

How to Read Literature Like a Professor
Which chapters apply so far?
Discuss these quotes in your groups. What do they REALLY mean?
- when someone has something bad happen to them, it can either affect their future or not.
- when you feel like u deserve crap, you will only except crap.
- he likes his life, but their is some parts that he don't like.

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