Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Taming of the Shrew: Act 4 & 5

Act 4
1.How is Petruchio's masculinity represented? Examine his treatment of servants, Kate, etc.

He manipulates Kate's words around and takes things away from her that she wants, as if he says the moon is pretty and she replies it is the sun, he will reply taking away something she wants to do which is go to her father's home, then that changes her mind to start agreeing with whatever he says.
2.Many critics mark the sun/moon scene in the road to Padua (scene 5) as the turning point in the play which indicates Kate's taming. What is different about this scene? If she is tamed, what is she submitting to? Is it really a "submission," or can it be interpreted in other ways?

She is tired of arguing with him over pointless things that do not really matter, and Kate knows he is acting that way purposely to tame her and finally she just gives in, and begins to be obedient.
Act 5
1.Analyze Kate's final speech. Is she sincere or ironic? Should we take her at her word? Or should we imagine a gap between what she says and what she means? Does the context of her words change their meanings? What are different possibilities in performing this scene?

Kate is sincere as she tells her final speech, and we should take her word for it, because she has represented her words with actions of changing into something better for herself and others. Another possibility to approach the lecture to the women is to explain her own situation to them, and how it changed her personally.
2.What happens to the power dynamics in this scene–between mem and men, women and women, men and women?

Men to men are very equal even though they all think they are the best and have the best; always trying to outwit one another. Women to women are very jealous of one another and try to bring each other down, but yet some positive there because women look out for one another. Men to women is more of a dominance role play, because the female is supposed to be controlled by the male; to love him and serve him as a loyal wife "should".

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