Monday, November 11, 2013


  • What have you learned about English/Literature over the past 9 weeks?
I have learned many things, such as analytical skills, writing skills, and life skills. Mrs.Endicott is a great teacher that touches our lives with educational skills, and life skills, and how to be an over all, well rounded person. She let us read a couple books that have influenced my peers as well as myself, in a tremendous way. She also let us read parts of a book that helps analysis for literature which has helped a lot.
  • What have you learned about your classmates?
I have learned many things about my fellow classmates I have never known before. I have learned about their feelings, and their biggest fears. Each and every one of them let their walls down and felt comfortable in the classroom, almost as if it wasn't a class anymore. It was a family intervention.
  • What have you learned about life?
I have learned that life is hard, and that it will throw anything at you to knock you down so you will stay down. But you see, I have learned that you cant just sit around and just let life keep throwing you down and give you bruises. You have to stand up, push throw every battle, enjoy the ride, and keep on moving.
  • Did you enjoy the novel unit (Perks of Being a Wallflower and Looking for Alaska)? Would you recommend I use those two novels next year? What assignments changes would you make (if any)?
Yes, I would use both cause they represent good examples of real life in them, and I don't think you should change any assignments.
  • What should I change for next year's class?
Absolutely nothing, keep it as heart felt as you can!
  • What area of the AP Exam do you feel that you need to work on the most?
the essay part

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